Green out

While there are no known cases of overdosing on cannabis or it sustaining permanent damage to an individual, “greening out” refers to feeling adverse effects after consuming too much cannabis, including dizziness, nausea, disorientation, anxiety, passing out, and sometimes vomiting. 

“I greened out after eating a pot brownie that was waaay too potent.”  

What is a marijuana green out?

Greening out is derived from “blacking out” from drinking too much alcohol, except it is consuming too much weed. 

Because every person’s body and endocannabinoid system is different, greening out is hard to predict. It may be more likely to happen to people new to cannabis or who don’t consume often. It could also occur in consumers who are lacking sleep, hydration, or sustenance, or when consuming cannabis in certain forms, such as edibles and dabs, which are high in potency. Many cannabis consumers have a story about eating a pot brownie that was way too potent.  

Thankfully, cannabis in any form or amount is not life-threatening and there have been no cases of overdose, so greening out won’t kill you or damage your body in any way. If greening out, we recommend staying with a buddy you can trust, drinking plenty of water, and getting plenty of rest, and the physical symptoms should be gone by the next morning. Greening out may leave lingering anxiety or negative associations with cannabis, but every individual may react differently.