The Cannabis Connoisseur - Port Perry

The Cannabis Connoisseur - Port Perry

Port PerryOntario
569.5 km away

Pura Vida - Indica Honey Oil Dispenser 1g

Pura Vida - Indica Honey Oil Dispenser 1g

About this product

Indica Dominant Pura Vida’s 1g Indica Honey Oil Dispenser contains concentrate that's been carefully extracted from the highest quality, hand selected indica flower. This all-glass dispenser multi-tool is heat resistant and safe for use for: applying it directly into dab rigs and dab pens, taken orally, applied topically, or adding full-spectrum concentrates to anything else – rolling papers, refill vape carts, and more. Our proprietary extraction preserves its distinctive sweet vanilla and perfume flavours. Understand the process, know the ingredients, demand the best!