April 20th is just around the corner, and your dispensary should anticipate a bump in traffic as patients and customers file in to make purchases. To help you make the most out of the precious few days before the hectic 4/20 holiday, here are a few marketing tips you can utilize.
1. Plan a Dedicated Email Campaign

This week, you might want to think about sending a dedicated email of 4/20 specials and deals. Build this as soon as possible so you can get the word out to your email subscribers. Whether you have a special event planned or some killer deals your customers won’t want to miss, highlight them in a special 4/20 email campaign. If you send one this week, follow it up early next week with a reminder to your recipients so they don’t miss out.
Speaking of deals…
2. Offer BOGO Deals, Grab Bags, and Other Enticing Specials

People love a good deal, and yours could be the dangling carrot that incentivizes someone to come to your dispensary. Offer a Buy-One-Get-One, a Build-Your-Own-Preroll-Pack, assemble grab bags full of goodies (such as a preroll, a gram, an edible, and some stickers) available for a set price — play around with your options and create something fun and alluring that will attract some foot traffic. Don’t be stingy with your deals, either — it’s 4/20, after all, so get a little generous with your offers. Besides, purchase volume goes up this time of year, so you should benefit from the traffic increase even if you offer more substantial discounts or deals than you typically advertise.
3. Need to Clear Your Inventory? Bundle Your Products!

Okay, so this is a bit of an extension of point #2, but 4/20 is a great excuse to clear some of your inventory, especially any tough-to-sell products you have that are taking up precious shelf space. Create combinations of flower and that are approaching the end of their freshness with concentrates and accessories (e.g., $25 for a gram, a lighter, and an infused cookie, or $50 for an eighth, an infused brownie, and a preroll).
4. Update Your Leafly Menu

People aren’t going to want to visit your dispensary if they don’t know what you’re carrying, so make sure you update your Leafly menu to reflect the products you’ll have on-hand for 4/20, as well as any killer deals you’ll be offering. Seriously, stop reading this and go update your menu. (Okay, you can finish reading this article…but then go update your Leafly menu.) Keep updating your menu as items run out and you replace them with other strains or products.
5. Stay Active on Social Media

Have an employee keep an eye on your Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. accounts both leading up to 4/20 and on the actual date. Post frequently — whether you’re sharing an exclusive deal or special each day between now and 4/20 or you’re spreading the word about a special event you’ve got planned, keep the tweets and updates coming so your followers know that your location is the place to visit come April 20th. Respond to questions and engage with your followers so they’re aware that you’re a reliable business; your trustworthiness and friendly attitude should attract patrons as much as your killer deals will.
6. Create an Incentive to Come Back After 4/20

There’s a saying that “a rising tide lifts all ships,” meaning that the influx of 4/20 traffic should provide a residual bump in traffic to your location through the weekend. On April 20th, offer your customers an incentive to return to your location after the holiday concludes. Pass out coupons or advertise extra deals that are valid from 4/21 through the end of the month so your visitors have a reason to come back. You definitely want to keep the 4/20 momentum going through the rest of April, so brainstorm some fun ways to generate repeat business.
Need some more marketing tips to help your cannabusiness succeed? Contact Leafly and we’ll help you!