
member since 2017

Recent Reviews36 total

Platinum Punch

OMG! Everything's good about PlatinumPunch. From the looks, to the smell, to the taste, to the feeling it produces. Smells like raspberry, mango and pineapple. Smells so sweet! Fruity type smell. Buds are nicely packed. Nice tinges of reddish-orange. More of a clear-headed high. Energizing. You are able to work. Able to focus. Able to concentrate. More of a nutty type taste but you can definitely feel the Sativa Dominant Effect. Put me in a very good mood. This strain is definitely good for daytime or active nights where you go out and expect not to fall asleep. This strain is pretty good for the dance floor. No munchies. A little dry-eye would be the only downside but then again, I've been smoking all day. In fact been smoking for the past 34 years on a daily basis, so that may have a little to do with that! PeaceOut!

Black Cherry Punch

Doesn´t look very strong but be careful. Black Cherry Punch is a very trippy strain. Tastes like Cherry. Sweet and sour aroma. You will have trouble focusing so I recommend this one for night-time flying. More of an Indica type experience but definitely very strong. Not for beginners. No munchies, so far but I am having trouble typing. Definitely recommended for heavy duty smokers because a little goes a long ways. Not sure why I'm not giving it 5 stars but probably because I am having trouble focusing. A good bud is one that will allow you to work daytime, not sure this one will allow a productive day. Slight headache coming on. Was going to give it 4 stars but I just downgraded it to 3 stars. Makes you feel dizzy. Won't be smoking any more of this strain tonight. Probably not buying it again. Peace, out.


Oh my Gosh! The name says it all. A Golden Berry. Looks, smells, and tastes nice. Just smoked a small bowl and I can feel my creative spark lighting up! Heavy high. Nice and loaded. I can tell that this one will last a few hours. Having little trouble focusing. It's so strong! I usually like to wait before giving a review but with this one, I smoked and ran to my laptop. Highly recommendable for cannabis junkies, like myself. Have been smoking non-stop since July of 1987. Cannabis helped me get my undergraduate degree. I tried going to College sober when I was 18 but that didn't last but half a semester. Went back to College when I was 33 while I was high, and I managed to graduate! Cannabis helps become a more centered and organized individual. OMG! You can tell this GoldBerry induces creativity. OK! Enough said. This bud rocks! Remember to smoke for positive and productive reasons. Do something productive while you're high. I got my first job while under the influence and managed to be there for 4 years, high everyday. Write something, apply for something, invite a girl out, do something, anything while you're high. Peace Out. PS .. A bit of dry mouth, but that's all. Tastes like all the berries you can imagine. Could taste strawberry while toking up. Take it easy.

Forbidden Fruit

I thought indica's were supposed to relax you, but Forbidden Fruit gave me so much energy that I started sending out resume letters here and there. it gave me the focus to gather my documents and send them out. As far as the smell goes, more of a pungy type earthy woody aroma. The bud is quite compact and it tastes really good, it doesn't taste like what it smells like, it actually tastes sweet like strawberries. Gives you the munchies, but most importantly it puts you in such a mellow mood but organized and focused. I would recommend using this Bud for daytime and nighttime, even work. it doesn't look all that great but it's long lasting, one hit will go a long ways, about three or four hours before having to land. I definitely recommend Forbidden Fruit 🍓 but I'm debating if to give it four or five stars. I think I will give it five stars because it's one of the first indicas that has sativa qualities. The only reason I got it is because of Paul Van Dyk's Forbidden Fruit Mix.

Purple Haze

It's the first time I try Purple Haze and I did not know what to expect, but the first thing I noticed was the taste. Oh so sweet and fruity. Tastes like apricot, berries, grapes. It's got good taste. They say that it's a Sativa but I swear to you that the effects are more of an Indica type, relaxed me right away and I could immediately tell that it was good bud. Overall, it's relaxing and it's one of those buds where you would like to sit on the couch and just watch TV. More of a nighttime bud because if you smoke during the day I think that you won't be able to get as much done. What I'm trying to say is that it's a heavy hitter. As far as the munchies go, absolutely controllable. I've been high for an hour now and have felt no need to eat. Recommended for insomnia and depression. And even though you guys have rated it a 4.3 I think it's more of a 4.5 or 4.6. It's also worth mentioning that one hit goes a long ways really does feel more like a more heavy high than the lighter type of high. Absolutely recommendable! I wonder if Jimmy Hendrix was singing about this one.

Banana Punch

It's been a while since I have laughed so hard. Banana Punch is great! Very compact type plant with a very sweet smell. Bud is super tight and beautiful. A little goes a long ways. I smoked a small bowl and it got me going for the next three hours. I worked on a project non-stop and then ordered dinner and ate like a pig. Feel so good now. It's energetic and uplifting. It tastes more like berry banana than citrus. It tastes so good. It has to taste good. Even if it's potent and it doesn't taste good, it's a bad trip but when it tastes good, your trip will start off just fine. It also smells like berry banana while you're smoking it. I liked it so much that I ordered some more. Hope it lasts me a month! Does not make you feel drowsy but most importantly, it puts you in a good mood. You know, the type of bud that will keep you stable for a long time. No need to smoke every 5 minutes, you can go for up to five hours with a decent buzz. Landing is gradual and smooth. BananaPunch is highly recommended. Peace, out!

Tropical Cookies

The only good thing about Tropical Cookies is that you don't get a headache but other than that, it's pretty bad. Darker green with white crystals, looks good but it tastes like crap. Makes you feel moody or on edge. No munchies. It's overall pretty nasty. Been thinking of getting a refund or exchanging it for another strain cause this one sucks. Tastes like wood. Smells like really bad reg. It will get you high but a negative type high. Doesn't look like the photo in this category at all. It's more if a darker green type bud. Gets me in a bad mood. Never buying this strain again. Unless there's nothing left!

Tropicana Cookies

First thing I did was look at the bud under a huge magnifying glass and the amount of THC crystals is simply awe-dropping. This bud is more of a darker green bud but the crystals are white. Flower smells slightly like blueberry. When smoked, it tastes like berry and earth or wood. Tropicana Cookies is known for it's heavy sativa effects but I feel the opposite, more of a indica-type sensation. With pure sativas, you just can't get enough because you always want to get higher but not with this strain. You don't need to. I noticed that it goes quite a ways. You can focus but you are pleasantly stoked for up to 4 - 5 hours. As far as being hungry goes, the munchies are totally under control. Not like other strains where you go outta control. It's a cross between Girl Scout Cookies and Tangie. I like this strain because I can immediately tell that it will go a long ways. An ounce will usually last 3 weeks, but with these heavy THC type strains it can last me for up to a month. Right on! Need to see if I don't create tolerance half-way through. Better to smoke it fresh without drying because it tastes better, even if it's not completely dry. Trying to figure out if to give it 4 or 5 stars. Appearance up close is really nice but when you look at the bud from a distance it could fool you, doesn't look that good. I would give it 4.5 stars if available. Does not give me a headache which is good. I smoke out a bong, by the way. Sometimes, I won't even put water in. Just smoke it direct, and it's cooler than a pipe. I've become tired of the bong-water smell. Tropical is recommendable. It will keep you leveled throughout the entire trip. Not a roller-coaster ride. Oh! I forgot to mention that some of the leaves are purple! I'll keep some of those for later, when I'm out. I rarely smoke leaves but when they are purple, I am willing to try! Peace.


Got a variation called Orange Runtz. Right off the bat, more expensive. Beautiful looking bud with tinges of red, green, and orange. Watch out for the munchies, this one really makes you hungry. Super long lasting. And you don't need that much. I just take a tiny pinch and that will do the trick for 5 to 6 hours Not that many recharges are necessary. Lasts you longer than other strains, you won't need to buy as much as you normally do. Great bud! Smells and tastes good. Sweet smelling and tasting. Highly recommended. Peace, out.


Gorilla Glue #4 is the only hydro that I have been smoking for the past three months straight. I know why they call it GorillaGlue. The high sticks to you like for 4 to 5 hours before needing a recharge. Munchies are 100% controllable. Great for daytime and night time relaxation. It's definitely among my top three favorite of all time. Green crack, blue dream, and GG#4.